Our online fire safety logbook is a free service provided by Safelincs Ltd. It has been designed with you, our customers, in mind and the system represents best practice at the time of its creation.
We are happy to help if there are any technical defects in the system. Please email service@safelincs.co.uk if you come across an error. We will, however, not be able to assist our customers using the system, as we do not receive an income stream from the provision of this entirely free system. If you feel that we should add some user instructions to certain pages, please email a description of the issue to service@safelincs.co.uk.
We can not be held liable for missing or incorrect data entered by the user or any fault of the system. We will always try our best to ensure that the system sends out reminders correctly. However, we can not be held liable if the system should not send reminders when expected or if the reminder emails cannot be delivered.
Loss of data
We can not be held liable for any loss of data. We recommend that you print out your finished log books (see print command) to create your own backup.
By using this system you agree to these terms and conditions.